Billing Procedures
Victoria Street is a Mixed Billing Practice.
This means that your consultation may attract a fee. If your GP has not bulk billed you, full payment of the consultation fee is required on the day. Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, credit card or EFTPOS. Accounts are unfortunately not able to be given.
Our practice is equipped with TYRO and Medicare Online. These facilities allow the practice to directly lodge your receipt for Medicare refunds. With on-the-spot processing the Medicare rebate goes into your bank account immediately. Patient bulk billing is at the doctor’s discretion.
Follow-up of Test Results
For follow up of test results an appointment is preferred. If the test is important enough to be performed it is important enough to find out the results. If a GP requests a pathology and/or radiology test or refers you to a specialist or another health professional, it is your responsibility to ensure this is carried out. It is also your responsibility to contact your GP for results or to arrange a follow up appointment.
If you have had tests done and do require NON URGENT follow up we will send you a secure SMS message to advise you of this. Simply click the secure link in the SMS to verify your surname/DOB to read your message and book an appointment. If you would prefer not to receive SMS communication from the practice please let one of our friendly reception staff know so we can update your communication preference.
Primarily results follow up is your responsibility, if you wish to discuss this further please speak with your GP or practice staff.
Current Fees/Billing Arrangements
Payment at the time of consultation is necessary. Longer consultations, weekend treatment, medicals and other procedures attract a higher fee; however an increased Medicare rebate is sometimes applicable as well as a reduced fee if paid on the day of consultation. Full details of all consultations including home visits are available from reception. Please feel free to enquire.
Weekend Billing Procedures
There will be no bulk billing services available on the weekend. This policy applies to ALL patients including pensioners, health care card holders and children.
Additional Cost
Procedures incur a payment on the day. The cost will depend on the type of procedure and will be discussed by your treading doctor at the time of making your appointment.
Specialist/Diagnostic Fees
Should it become necessary for you to have treatment by a Specialist, Pathology (Bloods), Radiology (X-Ray), Physiotherapist etc you should enquire at the time of making the appointment any possible costs involved for all treatments, procedures and consultations? Due to the large number of Medical treatment providers it is impractical for Victoria Street Clinic to keep updated information for all of them.
Practice Hours: (By Appointment)
- Monday 8:00am-5:30pm
- Tuesday 8:00am-5:30pm
- Wednesday 8:00am-5:30pm
- Thursday 8:00am-5:30pm
- Friday 8:00am-5:30pm
Standard Consultations
< 20 minutes
20 – 39 minutes
> 40 minutes
Weekend Consultations
$124 minimum for both Saturday and Sunday
There will be no bulk billing on a weekend.